About Us

STICKERLOAD was created with one purpose in mind — to make it easier for you to find what are, hands down, the coolest stickers on the face of the planet. We scour the world for the hottest properties in pop culture with the most popular designs and turn them into high quality stickers that are perfect to blast your skateboard, laptop, cell phone, furniture, locker door, notebook or even your car — whatever in the world you’d like to cover!

We collect the stickers into packages of 50 to 500. Every Sticker Load is unique, with stickers ranging from 2 inches to 6 inches, so whether you want to decorate your deck or wallpaper a whole room you can count on only the most dope designs from TV, music, movies, anime, manga, cartoons, comics — all of pop culture’s best at your fingertips, ready to peel & stick.

Our collections are constantly being updated too, so you’ll never find a stale sticker in the bunch. We’re always on the lookout for what’s new and hot. We also work closely with media companies to make sure you have access to the latest new properties. As a matter of fact, if you’re involved with a brand or hot topic that would make an amazing sticker, visit our Partners page to find out how you can become a part of the STICKERLOAD family and promote your design through our sticker collections!